Help Jump Animation


New member

I am using the modul to scroll plataform and this problem is happening:

Here is the script for jumping:

   LDX player1_object
   ;;; let's check for if we are standing on a jumpthrough platform,
   ;;; for which "down and jump" will jump downwards through
   ;;; comment this out if you do not want that functionality
   LDA screenFlags
   AND #%00100000 ;; does it use gravity?
                    ;; In modules where screenFlag 5 gravity,
                    ;; flipping it on would mean that the screen uses gravity.
                    ;; If the screen does not use gravity skip the jump code.
   BEQ dontJump
 ;; PART 1: Use Jumpthrough Platform logic.
 ;; If you want down + jump to allow you to pass downward through a jumpthrough platform, 
 ;; use this code.
     ;;; Bit 3 of Object_physics_byte is set if you are standing on
     ;;; a jumpthrough platform.
     ;  LDA Object_physics_byte,x
     ;  AND #%00001000
     ;  BEQ notStandingOnJumpThroughPlatform
     ;  LDA gamepad
     ;  AND #%00100000
     ;  BEQ notStandingOnJumpThroughPlatform
         ;;; Here, you are standing on a jumpthrough platform
         ;;; and you are pressing down and jump.  The easiest way to 
         ;;; now make the player pass through the platform is just manually
         ;;; change his y value downward by an arbitrary amount, and then
         ;;; skip the rest of the jump code.
     ;  LDA Object_y_hi,x
     ;  CLC
     ;  ADC #$09  ;; this is an arbitrary value.  
     ;  STA Object_y_hi,x
     ;  JMP dontJump

;; PART 2: Check under feet for solid or jumpthrough platform.
;; In the base module, bit 0 of Object_physics_byte is flipped if you are
;; on solid ground and bit 2 is flipped if you are on jump through
;; platform.  This happens in the CheckUnderObject macro.
       ; LDA Object_physics_byte,x
       ; AND #%00000001
       ; BNE canJump
       ; LDA Object_physics_byte,x
       ; AND #%00000100
       ; BEQ dontJump
;; PART 3: Actual jumping.
;; This is where the player actually starts moving upwards.
;; For this, a user constant must be created for JUMP_SPEED_LO
;; and JUMP_SPEED_HI.  Alternatively, you could put arbitrary values
;; in their place.
        ;;; by zeroing out the jumpthrough bit.
        LDA Object_physics_byte,x
        AND #%11110111
        STA Object_physics_byte,x
        ;;; set the vertical speed to a negative number to make it "jump".
        LDA #$00
        STA Object_v_speed_lo,x
        LDA #$00
        STA Object_v_speed_hi,x
        ;;; optionally, change the state to your games jumping state.
        ;;; The first argument in this macro is what state = jump.
        ;;; The second is the length of the first animated frame.  
        ;;; Generally, a small number is good for this, especially if 
        ;;; there is no animation for jump and it is a single frame.
        ChangeObjectState #$03, #$04
        ;;; and play a jumping sound.
        ;;; for this to work, SND_JUMP must be defined in your
        ;;; sound effects.
        ;PlaySound #SND_JUMP
        ;; return from the subroutine.

Please, how can I fix this?


Staff member
I guess this script is a custom coded by you, right?

In your script, you decided to use the Action Step 3 for jump? Why haven't you used the default Action Step 2?
If you are not using the default action step, you will have to modify a bunch of scripts (every scripts that check agains action step 2 and actions step 3... Because by default 2 is for jump state and 3 for attack).
The small sprite you see on the top left of your player is called the sprite based weapon. By default in the module, this sprite is drawn next to the player when he's attacking (= when action step is 3) and its placement is define by the Melee Offset (cf the tutorial video for player weapon placements)

So, an easy fix would be replacing your:
	ChangeObjectState #$03, #$04
by :
	ChangeObjectState #$02, #$04

And use the Player's Action Step 2 for your "Jumping" state.

And if you really don't want to use Action Step 2... I 'd suggest to do a search in every scripts and fix all the scripts of the module (in the movements scripts, the use sprite weapon script, the redraw script, ... the extra controls script).
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