weapon appearing on wrong side of player

snow knights

New member
the module is brawler and when i try to make the character throw a punch when he's facing right, the fist appears on the left.

Peter Schmitz

Active member
There is also another way without using a new game object:

Here is the "ChangeToAttack_BrawlerBase.asm" script

;; if you would like unlockable weapons,
    ;; that will be created with the b button
    ;; use this code.
    STA temp ;; assumes the object that we want is in x.

    GetActionStep temp
    CMP #$02 ;; is it already attacking?
    BNE +canAttack
        ;; wait until we're back to idle to attack again.
    ChangeActionStep temp, #$02 ;; assumes that "attack" is in action 2
    ;arg0 = what object?
    ;arg1 = what behavior?
    StopMoving temp, #$FF, #$00

        WEAPON_OBJECT = #$01
        WEAPON_RIGHT_STATE = #$00
        WEAPON_LEFT_STATE = #$01

        ;; Now, we have to create the object.
        ;; We will need to determine the direction
        ;; of the player.
        LDX player1_object
        STA temp
        GetObjectDirection temp ;; temp still observed from above.
            ;;; this object's direction is now loaded into the
            ;;; accumulator for comparison after the macro.
            ;; 0 = down
            ;; 1 = downright
            ;; 2 = right
            ;; 3 = upright
            ;; 4 = up
            ;; 5 = upleft
            ;; 6 = left
            ;; 7 = downleft
                CMP #$02
                BNE +notRight
                ;;; CREATE RIGHT WEAPON
                LDX player1_object
                LDA Object_x_hi,x
                STA tempA
                 LDA Object_screen,x
                ADC #$00
                STA tempD
                LDA Object_y_hi,x
                STA tempB
                LDA #WEAPON_OBJECT
                STA tempC
               ;; use this is you want to always create a single object, based on
                   ;; the constant above.
                   ; CreateObject tempA, tempB, #WEAPON_OBJECT, #WEAPON_RIGHT_STATE, currentNametable
                   ;;; use this if you want to create a variable object based on
                   ;;; the weaponChoice varaible.
                   PlaySound #sfx_damage
                   CreateObjectOnScreen tempA, tempB, tempC, #WEAPON_RIGHT_STATE, tempD
                   LDA #%11000000 ; LDA #%11000000
                   STA Object_direction,x
                   JMP +doneWithCreatingWeapon
                ;;; CREATE LEFT WEAPON
                LDX player1_object
                LDA Object_x_hi,x
                STA tempA
                LDA Object_screen,x
                SBC #$00
                STA tempD
                LDA Object_y_hi,x
                STA tempB
                LDA #WEAPON_OBJECT
                STA tempC
               ;; use this is you want to always create a single object, based on
                   ;; the constant above.
                   ; CreateObject tempA, tempB, #WEAPON_OBJECT, #WEAPON_DOWN_STATE, currentNametable
                   ;;; use this if you want to create a variable object based on
                   ;;; the weaponChoice varaible.
                   PlaySound #sfx_damage
                   CreateObjectOnScreen tempA, tempB, tempC, #WEAPON_LEFT_STATE, tempD
                   LDA #%10000000 ;LDA #%10000000
                 STA Object_direction,x
                 JMP +doneWithCreatingWeapon

For this to work, you need to set up a right and left animation

pic 1.jpg

Then go to manage animations and set up left and right punch

pic 2.jpg
go to object details of your fist object and set up animation types right and left and assign right animation to all gamepad directions for punch_right as well as the left animation for all gamepad directions for the punch_left animation type.

pic 3.jpg

got to action step and select punch_right as the animation type for action step 0
and punch_left for action type 1 - select DestroyMe as EndAction
pic 4.jpg

pic 5.jpg

This way - you don't waste a gameobject ;)
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