Textbox issues

red moon

I went through the tutorials last month and had text boxes working but cannot get them functioning in my current project.
I even found an earlier post by Dale in regard to creating a new script to deal with the melee already being in use but it still produced the same results.
Thanks in advance!


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red moon

Dale, I followed this thread from earlier. http://www.nesmakers.com/viewtopic.php?f=60&t=3403&p=19505&hilit=dialog+window#p19505
I will take a look at the handle textboxt script in the main scripts to see how that is setup.


red moon said:
Dale, I followed this thread from earlier. http://www.nesmakers.com/viewtopic.php?f=60&t=3403&p=19505&hilit=dialog+window#p19505
I will take a look at the handle textboxt script in the main scripts to see how that is setup.

Those error messages are pointing to exactly the lines in your Activate_text_box.asm code that is causing the problems.

Could you post those lines of code using the CODE DISPLAY function in the message board? Or just simply dump the entire text file, so we can have a look ;)


"already defined" basically means that the function is in duplicate elsewhere, maybe it is something that can simply be removed, or an old SFX label. could any number of things. The nice thing about those error messages, is that even if you're a noob with ASM like me, it shows you exactly where it's gone wrong.

red moon

Thanks for the clarification Raft, I can see in the script below its referring to turning it on and NPC collision.
	LDA textboxHandler
	AND #%00010000 ;; if the b button is pressed
					;; but the box + text have been activated
					;; and also the 'do box' bit is OFF
					;; that means this is ready to "go away".
	BEQ checkToTurnTheTextboxOn ;; hasn't started yet
    ;; begin turning the textbox off.
    LDA gameHandler
    ORA #%00100000
    STA gameHandler
    ;;; are we turning this on or off?
    ;;; check for more
    ;;; check for 'choice'.
    LDA #$00
    STA updateNT_offset
    STA updateNT_H_offset
    STA updateNT_V_offset
    LDA #%10001000
    STA textboxHandler
   LDA npc_collision
    BEQ noNPCcollision
    LDA textboxHandler
    AND #%10000000
    BNE noNPCcollision
   LDA gameHandler
    ORA #%00100000
    STA gameHandler
    ;;; are we turning this on or off?
    ;;; check for more
    ;;; check for 'choice'.

    LDA #%10000000
    STA textboxHandler

red moon

Well, deleting the input script and input now gives me something that functions now. Adding those elements was the issue!
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