Error Message


New member

I've attached a capture to this post that shows the error message that I'm receiving when I try to test my game. Its saying .nes game not found. I'm not sure what's going on. Is anyone able to help?


Active member
That means it doesn't understand something in that doSpritePreDraw_AdventureBase.asm on line 25. It could be a reference to something that no longer exists, a variable that wasn't defined, or even just a typo.

Have you made changes to that file? Do you mind posting the contents of that file?


Active member
Joe accidently left some of the sprite predraw code for the Intermediate Adventure Tutorial uncommented, which he goes through in that video. If you're just starting out with the tutorials, just comment out lines 21-31 in your doSpritePreDraw_AdventureBase.asm file. (Put a semicolon ";" in front of a line to comment it out.)


New member
That fixed the build problem, but now the emulator just displays a black screen instead of the start screen.


Staff member
That is funny is Joe explains that, in the adventure tutorial. He says that if those lines were kept in the script, we would have an error because the variable is declared in a scrip that we assign later during the tutorial.
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