[4.5.6] Monster Action Step Flags not working on Monster


Active member
Not sure if anyone else has had this issue, but my Monster doesn't seem to respond to the Action Step Flag I have checked. Basically what I am trying to do is if the Action Step Flag is unchecked then create object #$43 and if it is checked create #$44. However it only will create #$43 and the Action Step Flag is ignored. Am I doing something wrong?

My code AI:
   LDA Object_x_hi,x
   ADC #8
   STA tempA
   LDA Object_y_hi,x
   ;;ADC #8
   STA tempB

    LDA Object_vulnerability,x
    CMP #%0000001
    BEQ +doProjectile
   ;;Do Bubble
       LDA #$43 ;; game object to create.
       STA tempC
       JMP +shootAtPlayer
   ;;Do Projectile
       LDA #$44 ;; game object to create.
       STA tempC
       LDA #$00 ;; action step for that object
       STA tempD
       LDA Object_screen,x
       STA tempz
    CreateObjectOnScreen tempA, tempB, tempC, tempD, tempz


Staff member
Try with:
    LDA Object_vulnerability,x
    AND #%0000001
    BNE +doProjectile
just to check that particular bit (if that bit is not zero it means it's set "is projectile")
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