[4.5.9 Metroidvania SOLVED] Text Box overlap


Well-known member
I have an issue I could use a hand with. I have a tile that starts the NPC text. So I have the player spawn ontop of it and it triggers the text. Works really well - unless the player spams the "b" button rather then waiting for the text to finish writting. Then it will reset the text string.

Tile Code:
ChangeActionStep player1_object, #$00
ChangeFacingDirection tempA, #FACE_RIGHT
StopMoving temp, #$FF, #$00

LDY temp1
LDA temp2
BEQ +isEvenCt
;; is an odd ct, so looking in collisionTable2
LDA #$00
STA collisionTable2,y
JMP +doneWithTileUpdate
LDA #$00
STA collisionTable,y


LDA npcTrigger
ORA #%00000001
STA npcTrigger



If the player spams the button it screws the text up pretty good. Here is an example video:

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