Api The Cat - Development Thread [4.5.9]


This is my last project update:

Level 8 Design - Monsters and animated background finished

View: https://youtu.be/YLcCtem2IkE

This is my game so far and to do list

To do list:

* Start screen artwork
* Start screen mechanics
* Music player or Sound test option on Start Screen

Stage 1 Arcade
* intro screen
* Level design
* Music
* Monsters characters
Monsters moves

Stage 2 School
* intro screen
* Level design
* Music
* Monsters characters
* Monsters moves

Stage 3 Suburbs
* intro screen
* Level design
* Music
* Monsters characters
* Monsters moves

Stage 4 Power Lines
* intro screen
* Level design
* Music

* Monsters characters
* Monsters moves

Stage 5 Sewers
* intro screen
* Level design
* Music

* Monsters characters
* Monsters moves

Stage 6 Bus Station
* intro screen
* Level design
* Music
* Monsters characters
* Monsters moves

Stage 7 Jungle
* intro screen
* Level design
* Music
* Monsters characters
* Monsters moves

Stage 8 Party
* intro screen
* Level design

* Music
* Monsters characters
* Monsters moves

* Player jump animation
* Player damage death animation
* Lives system
* Score system and mechanics
* Sprite Hud GFX
* Hero jump sound
* Game Over Screen
* Endgame Screen

Last edited:


Well-known member
Your list has inspired me to do my own. It's very easy to get into a habit of flitting about doing a bit of this and that.


Thank you @Jonny and @dale_coop for the reply on the post < 3

Yes, this will help me i hope to know where i am and what i have to do. Last night i finished the artwork for the start screen, now i have to make the menu works and know how to hide the HUD. I have ticked the box called "Hide Hud" but it doesn't works i think.


  • game_000.png
    4.5 KB · Views: 20


Well-known member
That's an awesome looking title screen. Hide HUD doesn't work for sprite based HUDs.


Well-known member
To hide the HUD you just need to put a check at the start of your doDrawSpriteHUD.asm so the script jumps past the part of the script which draws the sprites for the HUD. JMP skipAll goes to the skipAll: defined at the end so the HUD doesn't draw unless on game.

Something like this...

    LDA gameState         ;; CHECK GAMESTATES             ;;
    CMP #$00              ;;                              ;;
    BEQ onMainGame        ;; IS MAIN GAME                 ;;
    JMP skipAll
;;;;;;;;;; YOUR SPRITE HUD SCRIPT GOES HERE ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;


If you haven't already you would need to use a different gamestate for your startscreen. Maybe #$01 but any will do. This is set where you build screens underneath Tile Layout there's a drop down menu.


Thank you so much for your help @Jonny, now my HUD is hidden at start :) this is amazing

I would love to have a music player option on my main screen someday like the one @CutterCross have in his incredible "The Prying Eye" game < 3


Well-known member
First of al thanx @Jonny @Basty @Logana @kevin81 for the help in the development and recomendations <3

This is my last project update:
Start screen artwork

View: https://youtu.be/2wJlX2hVSnk

This is my game so far and to do list

To do list:

* Start screen artwork
* Start screen mechanics
* Music player or Sound test option on Start Screen

Stage 1 Arcade
* intro screen
* Level design
* Music
* Monsters characters
* Monsters moves

Stage 2 School
* intro screen
* Level design
* Music
* Monsters characters
* Monsters moves

Stage 3 Suburbs
* intro screen
* Level design
* Music
* Monsters characters
* Monsters moves

Stage 4 Power Lines
* intro screen
* Level design
* Music

* Monsters characters
* Monsters moves

Stage 5 Sewers
* intro screen
* Level design
* Music

* Monsters characters
* Monsters moves

Stage 6 Bus Station
* intro screen
* Level design
* Music
* Monsters characters
* Monsters moves

Stage 7 Jungle
* intro screen
* Level design
* Music
* Monsters characters
* Monsters moves

Stage 8 Party
* intro screen
* Level design
* Music
* Monsters characters
* Monsters moves

* Player jump animation
* Player damage death animation
* Lives system
* High Score table
* Sprite Hud GFX
* Character jump sound on DPCM
* Game Over Screen
* Endgame Screen

I really love how the light blue signifies what is a solid object or what you can walk on, also the title screen looks really good, the dithering is awsome


@Jonny i know we will find the way to get the music player working, maybe @CutterCross can give as a hand with it <3
@Logana It makes me very happy that you noticed the functionality of the blue color in the game because I had doubts as to whether it was understood or not. I have also re-created all the songs in my game based on your recommendations <3


Well-known member
I don't think so, he's moved onto greener pastures and has a few big projects on going. It could be quite complicated, nesdev might be a better place to read about music channel visualisations.


oh! greener pastures sounds amazing <3
I would like to have a player of the songs of the game, for my game it is not necessary channel visualisations :D Do you know how to do that @Jonny ?


Well-known member
I think thats written in Python and from what I can gather for making music roms something like this... ? (not totally sure if its for chiptune music or sampled)

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z8xaPFk4DLc

Not for music in a game, just a dedicated music cart. Thank you though because I have a friend who might be interested in doing something like this. If you're a thrash metal fan, he's the drummer for Evile.


Well-known member
oh! greener pastures sounds amazing <3
I would like to have a player of the songs of the game, for my game it is not necessary channel visualisations :D Do you know how to do that @Jonny ?
Mugi explained how to change tracks in discord. I haven't given it a go yet but will let you know when I do.


i have some issues with my monsters, i have watched the xmas tutorial about monsters but i think i need something different for this game.
I would love to have something like this:

But instead i have something like this:


can anyone help me with the monster movements? o know nothing more than what's in the tutorial about this.

thnx <3


My last update to the project is the intro screen or splash screen for level 1.
I don't know japanesse so some friends are helping me with translations, if you feel something weird about the translations please let me know < 3

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