

Well-known member
Someone already tried doing this btw, no one actually wanted to do that, the best option is to pay someone or do it yourself, also all the art you have shown is way to big for the nes it would sprite flicker like crazy, in short no one here is gonna make a nes version of your game for free, although I would like to do music I’m not sure you comprehend the limitations of the nes that is all have a good day sir and this community will not be taken advantage of


Well-known member
But yeah, not sure what you where talking about before in you hello everyone one post is possible with nesmaker, is plause able but it would be a lot more limited


Well-known member
But yeah that’s really all I can say because everyone here really works on their own project and we kinda just help them when we can, the only person I think could possibly help you with this is dale but he kinda just dose the same, although I would be willing to make a tech demo in nesmaker showing you how it would be plause able to do certain things


Well-known member
Alright, sorry if I came off as sorta blunt or mean I’m the last few posts by the way


Active member
You can find some like minded folk who may enjoy working together on a project with you, however if your looking to have it made for you it will cost a fortune. You have the software I presume. Follow the tutorials, learn how to use it and make that game you always wanted. There are plenty of people here that will lend a hand if you have any problems.
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