Frame Perfect Mini Game


New member
Hello all,

I'm working with some nes speedrunners trying to improve their ability to get frame perfect tricks. I want to build a small game that has a moving circle (or whatever on screen) that you then need to send the A input at frame 60 on 60 for example. Increment the score when they get it right etc...

Is this something that would be complicated to build ? Any help or direction or tutorial would be appreciated.

This is such an awesome community, thanks !


Well-known member
As far as I am aware the HandleGameTimer.asm script works with frames. Is this something you are making yourself? I can't help thinking that something like that would be best coded from scratch without the NESMaker bloat although it's perfectly possible.

How far on are you with it?


New member
Hey Jonny, thanks for the reply, I'll take a look at HandleGameTimer.asm ! I'm usually a C# programmer, so anything NesMaker allows me to make no do from scratch, I'm happy. ASM programming is ... weird to a OO programmer :D ! I'm doing it as a surprise for a streamer friend(s) :), feel free to share any ideas that may pop up to make my life easier, but I think you steered me in the right direction.


Well-known member
If you're already a programmer I don't think you'll have much trouble with it. Learning the NESmaker UI and its quirks first would be beneficial. It could be a good idea to do the tutorials even though your project doesn't really fit into any of the genre tutorials, you'll still learn enough from them to begin the basis of your circle minigame.

One approach would be to flesh out the visuals, and A button press input script which adds the score regardless of an condition. Then make a timer which saves its current step (from 0-60) every frame. The script from the A input might end up being something like... load the current timer value, store into temp, compare it with 60, add score if it is. Theoretically. Not idea if that would actually work or how the timing would compare playing speed-runs.

Sounds interesting. Let us know how you progress, would like to hear about it.


New member
I will let you know how it progresses, thanks again Jonny, this is really all I needed to get started properly! Tutorial time for me for now :D
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