*FULL GAME*Adventures Of Eldorin Byte-Off 2019

Hey there NesMaker Brothas!
after countless days, months, and hours i am proud as hell to present and offer a completed full version of "Adventures Of Eldorin" to the NesMAker community!
I hope you guys enjoy my lifelong dream come to life in this action packed adventure tale!
Take plenty of time to explore and delve into the open immersive world, speak with npcs and learn about the fully Interactive world of Eldorin
and be sure to check on your neighbors from time to time
Give her a download and let me know what you guys think!
inside the file youll find all pieces of submitted work for the contest!
thanks for your time guys and enjoy

https://www.dropbox.com/s/aq64c81vf7uhgyh/Adventures of Eldorin.nes?dl=0
When i attach the file i recieve a message saying that the "board quota has been met" im not sure whats happening ill have the file up asap


Staff member
It's too big...
Try sharing your files via an online service like uploadfiles.io, or google drive or dropbox, ...


New member
Attachments are kind of screwy I've noticed. Post a link from dropbox, uploadfiles.io, google drive - anything like that will work....and do it fast CAUSE WE WANNA PLAY!!! ;)
Thanks for the help yall! I might not be the most tech savvy of the lot but i will always try like a mother!
I used google drive and the link should work just fine!
thanks again guys good luck and keep making amazing games!


Have you played Thirty Flights of Loving? You game reminded me of it at times because occasionally you jump to sort of unexpected locations.Like at the beginning where you're outside and you go to the right and then you're suddenly indoors. That felt intentional, but there are other parts of this game where moments like that don't feel all that intentional. That said, I hope you were going for that sort of jump cut feel, and I would have liked to see you lean into that more. I really didn't care for the maze areas, but if you were to design it in such a way where each screen of the maze was random and all that matter is that you go through the maze for some set number of screens before moving on to the next area, I think that would play better with the jump cut aesthetics that I'm 75% sure you were going for.
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