So I have a Key/Game Object. I don't want people to be able to exploit this section of the game to max out on keys. So I want to be set the maximum amount of keys someone can actually get is just one. What would I need to do to make this an actuality? Video below.
Same issue here, i did this code that verify if we have one key already, if we have it should not pick another but it does... at least the animation happens...
LDA Object_type,x
CMP #$06 ;; What object is your pickup? 00 - 0f
BNE notThisPickup
;;; Verifica se já temos uma chave
LDA myKeys
CMP #$00 ;; Se myKeys é zero, podemos coletar
BNE endPickups ;; Se já temos uma chave, pula a coleta
;;; Se não temos chave, coleta a chave
LDA #$01
STA myKeys