Music for a console boot-up cartridge


New member
Hey, fellow NES-Makers :)

I'm more into hardware modding than in making NES games and I build things like a "Nintoaster" or a "Nintendo PlayStation".
Currently I'm working on a new project - a custom NES/SNES-console hybrid.

The console will be able to play both NES and SNES cartridges - whether PAL or NTSC, in 50 and 60 Hz, region lock free, with palette swap and soft reset via the controller and all with RGB video output.

When the console is turned on and no cartridge is inserted, I want to display some kind of kiosk mode boot up screen, like the M82 or Famicombox had, that says "hey dude, insert a cartridge".
My NES rom is already finished and I personally like it.

But what I am still missing is a nice background music.
Currently I use a song that was made by GXSCChater/DreXegar for my game Angel's Quest. But this one doesn't fit, I think and I want something more.... "Nintendo-Style", something that sounds, like that console came originally from Big-N.

I know, there are guys out there like JollyShadow, that create fantastic songs, so does any of you have a song lying around, that might be fitting?

What I have so far:
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