Reversing the Schmup (Shooter) Scroll Direction


New member
Does anyone know how I would go about reversing the auto scrolling direction (making it go from right to left instead of left to right) in the Schmup (Shooter) module? Along with that, how would I go about changing the scrolling speed? I’m not very code savvy, so as much explanation as possible would be appreciated.
Does anyone know how I would go about reversing the auto scrolling direction (making it go from right to left instead of left to right) in the Schmup (Shooter) module? Along with that, how would I go about changing the scrolling speed? I’m not very code savvy, so as much explanation as possible would be appreciated.
I edited this script to do it as described:

I'd you need help with editing it i can share mine


New member
Ok, I implemented both of those scripts. If I understand correctly, when I turn on Screen Flag 6 and Right Edge for Scroll, it should scroll to the left. However, it does not, it just doesn't scroll at all. I wonder if the fact that the spaceship is still advancing to the right is part of the problem. How would I go about making the spaceship move to the left instead of the right?
Ok, I implemented both of those scripts. If I understand correctly, when I turn on Screen Flag 6 and Right Edge for Scroll, it should scroll to the left. However, it does not, it just doesn't scroll at all. I wonder if the fact that the spaceship is still advancing to the right is part of the problem. How would I go about making the spaceship move to the left instead of the right?
As I stated earlier I didn't make the script i edited it... I can share what I did but it won't work exactly the way you want probably do you still want to look at the code?


New member
Sure, I’ll take a look. Would you mind explaining how you change the scrolling speed? I saw in your video that it can be different from screen to screen.
Sure, I’ll take a look. Would you mind explaining how you change the scrolling speed? I saw in your video that it can be different from screen to screen.
okay, so how I handled it is like so:
first I added a variable in the Zero Page Ram (doesn't have to be that can also be in user vars):
hMapHandler ;; <-- the variable meaning horizontal map handler
then instead of the ScreenFlag check at the beginning of the script for the camera moving I did this...
;now we get the direction. if left edge is checked, we go right. if right edge is checked, we go left.

LDA ScreenFlags00
AND #%00010000
JMP +rightautoscroll ; autoscroll right
LDA ScreenFlags00
AND #%00100000
JMP +leftautoscroll ; autoscroll left

With This:
LDA hMapHandler
JMP +distanceNotReached
CMP #$01
BNE +isntLeftScreen
LDA camX
BEQ +camMovementCheck
JMP +distanceNotReached
LDA camX
BEQ +camMovementCheck
JMP +distanceNotReached
LDA hMapHandler
CMP #$01
BNE +istLeftUpdate
LDA currentNametable
ADC #$01
JMP +updateDone
LDA currentNametable
SBC #$01
STA currentNametable
LDA currentNametable
LDX player1_object
STA Object_screen,x
LDA #$00
STA hMapHandler
JMP +skipScrolling
LDA hMapHandler
BEQ +skipScrolling
CMP #$02
BEQ +isLeftScroll
JMP +rightautoscroll
JMP +leftautoscroll
and that did it for me... but the way I have all this setup is it's similar to a Zelda screen transition and only horizontally
either way I think if you want the ship to go the other direction with just a button press?
it'd be something like this:
LDA hMapHandler
BNE +goleft ;;; equals zero
JMP +rightautoscroll ; autoscroll right
JMP +leftautoscroll ; autoscroll left
and then for the button press to turn your ship around...
LDA hMapHandler
DEC hMapHandler
INC hMapHandler
for your input script to go back and fourth direction wise... hope that helped!
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