Unknown Label Problem

I got this problem when I was trying to test my game.

C:\Program Files\NESmaker_4_5_6\GameEngineData>asm6 MainASM.nes game.nes demo.txt
pass 1..
pass 2..
last try..
Routines\BASE_4_5\Game\MOD_MazeBase\Tiles\prize_MazeBase.asm(22):playSound(2): Unknown label.
Routines\BASE_4_5\Game\MOD_PlatformerBase\Inputs\jump_throughPlat.asm(77):playSound(2): Unknown label.
demo.txt written.

C:\Program Files\NESmaker_4_5_6\GameEngineData>pause
Press any key to continue . . .

And I searched in my input editor and I don't even have any maze base lines of code that I'm using.


Well-known member
Did you import the sound text file from the tutorial assets? If I recall correctly, the maze base module (and other base modules) require a sound text file to be imported into the project or it won't compile, because the script is looking for a sound effect it cannot find. Alternatively you can comment out the PlaySound lines in the script.
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