Flea Game and some help needed (demo)


Active member
mouse spirit said:
Good mechanic for some games. I think kickle cubicle used it . Also a great game for the nes.probky lolo if i remember right. If i am right or not, i like both those games. I really like your game also.
Id have to say, even though we have hindsight, and we dont have company agendas holding us back , the games here made with nesmaker for the most part are legit. Really great projects. Well done to you.
Thanks , yip it solves so many bugs by just having a reset. Supose lolo is if u wanna restart a puzzle rather than if the game bugs out , just don't want to get into the position that someones on the seconds last level and they glitch.
Ye all passion projects. I am now very close with flea, just a couple more bugs/ fixes, and should be good. :D


Active member
On the topic of bugs and glitches, I'm trying to get my music to not reset when you die.
I remember someone on helping with it not resetting when changing level but cant find any note of it.
I tried to find the bit where that happens , mabie in warp script but cant see anything.
Where should I be looking for this? I assume I have to add it to handle player death or nothing simialr.
Any help ?


Active member
In your HandleStateChanges.asm, during your Main Game state, try commenting out these lines at the end of your Main Game state code:

	PlaySong temp
	LDA temp
	STA currentSong


Active member
Thanks , that made my intro to game screen music not restart but my death still restarts

Heres all the scripts I think ar to do with player death

	CPX player1_object
	BNE +
	JSR HandlePlayerDeath

;;; do loss of life stuff here
;;  DEC myLives

LDA myScore		;; to read/load the value corresponding to the units
LDA myScore+1	;; to read/load the value corresponding to the tenths
LDA myScore+2	;; to read/load the value corresponding to the hundreds
LDA myScore+3	;; to read/load the value corresponding to the thousands

	LDA myScoreSave
	STA myScore
	LDA myScoreSave+1
	STA myScore+1
	LDA myScoreSave+2
	STA myScore+2
	LDA myScoreSave+3
	STA myScore+3

	SubtractValue #$02, myLives, #$01, #$00 ;;Subtract 1 from the Ones digit
	;;AddValue #$02, myLives, #$01, #$00 ;;add 1 from the Ones digit ally
	;; first, checking the tenths:

	LDA myLives+2
	BNE gameNotOver
	LDA myLives+1
	BNE gameNotOver
	;; if the tenth digit is zero, then checking the units:
	LDA myLives
	BNE gameNotOver

	;;do gameover stuff here.  Warp to screen?  Show animation?  Just restart?

;;; do warp to continue screen stuff here.
LDA #$00
STA newGameState
 LDA continueMap
 ADC #$01
 STA temp
 GoToScreen continueScreen, temp, #$04
 LDA #$00
 STA playerToSpawn
; LDX player1_object
; DeactivateCurrentObject
 LDA #$01
 STA loadObjectFlag
LDA continuePositionX
STA newX
LDA continuePositionY
STA newY

	STA tempx
	STA tempy

	LDX player1_object
	LDA Object_x_hi,x
	STA temp
	LDA Object_y_hi,x
	STA temp1

	CreateObject temp, temp1, #OBJ_PLAYER_DEATH, #$00, currentNametable
	PlaySound #SND_DIE
	;PlaySound #$00, #$00
	STA player1_object
	LDX tempx
	LDY tempy

	;; we continue the current song:
	LDA navFlag
	ORA #%00000010
	STA navFlag

never mind Dale helped had to comment out

;; we continue the current song:
LDA navFlag
ORA #%00000010
STA navFlag


Active member
I uploaded the new demo and foind a way to make it playable in the browser

Info on how to embed NES games on itch found here: (You also have to change the mapper to mapper 2 with inesheaderchecker)

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