
Peter Schmitz

Active member
Adding a section with a player falling down a waterfall. Was able to re-use a lot of code for player movement that I will be using in minigames and the overworld map, so I'm pretty proud of that.

This isn't actual vertical scrolling, I'm just faking it, but once I improve the water tiles, it should look pretty good.
this is an awesome fake

Peter Schmitz

Active member
the overworld map. I still feel it's missing something. Any suggestions?
do you need the crosshair or would it be better to just select the red dots which start to blink (red/yellow) when selected?
The game looks really great - I probably will ask you how to implement a password system when I need it. I am still working through the pikuma class. It helps a lot understanding the code in Nesmaker.
Still a work in progress, but you get the idea of what I'm going for.
I love your work ! Looks like an awesome game. BUT shouldn't the logs come from above instead from below ? Isaac Newton would agree ;-)
In all seriousness, check out the green planet level of Bucky o Hare to see what I mean.


Well-known member
Thanks! Theres still a lot of tweaking to do on the speed. The idea is that the player is falling faster that the other objects.


Well-known member
Yes, I am. I'm Thinking of releasing the 2 player fighting mode first, since that's prety much done, and keep working on the single player elements.
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