Moving Platforms for an Adventure style game


Well-known member
It would be cool to have moving platforms in an adventure style game. If you miss getting onto it, you fall into the abyss never to be seen again, lol.
hold on I think I can help with this
Here we go:
first thing's first make a user variable to test if you're on the platform
for the platforms, you'll need to make those game objects/monsters use a monster flag that makes it a platform:
then in the doHandleObjectCollisions.asm put this line of code under the flag you used to make the platform
LDA #$01
STA onPlatform
finally, make the tile script to check if you're still on the platform:
LDA onPlatform
LDA #$00
STA onPlatform
CPX player1_object
BEQ +doCheckpoint
JMP +skip
ChangeActionStep player1_object, #$07
and boom moving platform... keep in mind this doesn't make the player follow the platform
and also you should make the bounding box bigger than said platform
will get back to that later



Active member
i made a script that makes the player move in the direction of the platform when it collides, the only problem is i cant change the players speed to match the platform.
I tried using your slow moving script but it didnt alter anything so im a bit stuck
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