

New member
had a thought for a long time about making a bleak/minimalist/narrative horror NES game for a long time now. Finally got the wherewithal to get it started up while learning NESMaker! Thought I'd share some of the visual progress now that I was able to get 8Dir movement/Screen shifting put together. lots of tricks you have to pull to get some of these things working, like multiple HUD updates and screen shifting, but it's shaping up to be a fun learning experience!

you wake up in an unfamiliar, abandoned home as a plain fox. The only thing driving you is your instincts, shows as commands at the top of the screen- EAT... REST... KILL.... ignoring your instincts will harm you over time, causing you to perish with inaction- if the other animals don't get to you first.

over the course of many days, you will grow strong enough to defend yourself, find increasingly dwindling food, and maybe even find yourself a mate.



New member
made some modifications to the text box for variable speed, pauses, and writing out whole words at once. bypassing the text .dat file that gets exported from the engine since it keeps putting in weird breaks for no reason.

I think the next goal is some kinda binary choice system
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New member
after a long hiatus, I got the motivation to sit down with this again and tackle
a) a couple bugs that were bugging me and
b) binary questions!

question answers are written one after the other, with the first answer being written backwards from a given index, and the second answer being written forward (up to 8 tiles for both)

when queueing text, we also save out the next two text pointers for the first and second answer respectively. at the start of waiting for a question, we set the text pointer to the text pointer for the first answer. when you press left or right on the controller while waiting for a question, we toggle the text pointer between the text for the first and second answer, as well as move the option cursor. whichever it was set to once you continue the text is where the text box will pick up from

means a little extra care handling the saved text (IE, writing the first answer in backwards), but the results are worth it!

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