(4.5.9) Hide monster if certain values don't match


New member
Hello everyone, I've been stuck on this for a good while now. I'm making a game in which enemies can move around rooms across the game. Their visual sprites are represented as monsters on a screen. The enemy's current room is stored as a variable that matches the screen it should be in. If the enemy's room value doesn't match the screen the player is looking at, I want it be hidden from the player's view. However, this has truly thrown me for a loop like nothing else. No matter what I try, this simple concept just won't work how I want it to.

I tried using Action Steps, but I couldn't seem to get it to reliably affect only the monster, it's either changing the Action Step of every single object on screen or none of them. I also tried getting the Object ID of the monster so I could at least only change it, but that also affected either everything or nothing. I tried setting up Monster Bits so I could fix the everything or nothing issue, which didn't work. I feel like I'm missing something super simple, but I just cannot figure it out. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Staff member
You could loop through all the objects (in the Post Screen Load script), check if the room matches and if the object is a monster and destroy it ?

Here's a code that loops on object and destroy all the monsrer objects:
LDX #$00
  LDA Object_type,x
  CMP #$10  ;; any monster object
  BCC +nextObj
      ;; it's monster, what to do with it:
BNE -loopMonsters


New member
Thanks a ton, Dale! It works really well! I went in and made a couple adjustments so that I could fit in multiple enemies, mostly just adding in bonster bits following James' monster bits tutorial.

Here's what I've ended up with so far, will play with it some more:

    LDX #00

    LDA Object_type,x
    CMP #10 ;checks for monster
        BCC +nextObj
        STA temp ;might take this out, it's just here in case I wanna try using action steps instead of destruction
        LDY Object_type,x
        LDA MonsterBits,y
        AND #%00000100 ;each flag corresponds to a certain enemy, will add more checks for more enemies
        BNE handleBonnie
    LDA Object_screen
    CMP bonnieRoom
    BEQ +nextObj
    CPX #4
    BNE -monsterLoops
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