4.5.9 Input Script for warp to specific screen.


Active member
On my start screen I wanted to have a way to warp to a hidden 2nd game mode. I wanted it to feel a little like a cheat code. I assigned this to press Down and B and it takes me to my other start screen. That screen is a different game mode with a start with new continues input and a simple reset input to rest the game back to the main menu. Nothing fancy. If you want an actual Start Screen selection menu check out this thread.

    LDA #$00             ;; screen number you want to warp to.
    STA warpToScreen
    LDA #$01                ;; the map to warp to #$00 overworld #$01 underworld
    STA warpToMap

    WarpToScreen warpToMap, warpToScreen, #$02
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