half of the screen is broken!!!

I was working on my game and now I cant get this issue to stop. I tried undoing all recent script changes that didn't work. it seems the right side of the screen, after a warp specifically, changes all tile art to jumbled nonsense. from what I can tell monsters, the player, and tile scripts are unaffected its just the art. any help massively appreciated this completely broke the game I've been working on for over a year. thanks!!!!

Screenshot 2024-03-11 102002.pngScreenshot 2024-03-11 102159.png


Staff member
Check that topic, that could be the fix for your issue:


Active member
hmmm would deft need more details ie are you warping from a high res screen to lower res? what changes have been made recently?

I notice sometimes if I warp while my player is moving, or my warp is located on the right hand side of the screen that is scrolling I may get some graphics glitches when entering the warped in screen.
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