Hello from the City of Destiny!


New member
Hello! Recently learned about NESmaker and picked up a kit.. slowly working my way through the Youtube tutorials. Always been obsessed with NES and the limitations of the retro consoles. Some of my fav games are Spy VS. Spy, Boy and his Blob, Pirates! Gold, and Flip Note Studio. Cant wait to flash my first cartridge and play a game I made on my old Nintendo. Was so excited after watching the sprites youtube I drew a monster in Procreate which is probably not the best way to generate Pixel art? IDK! :)


Staff member
Welcome !
Glad to have you here with us.

NESmaker is a fun tool to start making NES games... Make sure to follow all the tutorials from the official website (in the LEARN tab)
And the forum is full of fixes, scripts, patches, custom tutorials, resources, demos, helps,... friends.

Can't wait to see what you will create with NM.
Have fun!
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