(Solved) Is there a better way to count bits?


Active member
I need to know how many of the bits are set in a byte. 0001 = 1, 0010 = 1, 0011 = 2 etc...

I came up this solution but I feel there got to be a better way.

LDX #%1111 ;Count set bits of X
STA temp

AND #%0100
ADC temp
STA temp

AND #%0010
ADC temp
STA temp

AND #%0001
ADC temp
STA temp ; temp is now #4


Well-known member
That's fun, I hadn't thought of doing something like that before so I had to give it a go. I came up with this:

LDA #$00
STA temp
LDA yourByte   ;;byte to count the bits of

LDX #$08
    BCC +
        INC temp
    BNE -countLoop

temp ends up with the amount of bits in it.


Active member
Cool! So that's basically the same thing but inside a loop? Seems more efficient approach. :) Thank you!


Well-known member
ROL shifts everything left but puts the top bit into the carry flag, so it does that 8 times and counts how many times the carry is set. Simplest way I could come up with anyway.


Active member
Nice. That's clever use of the carry flag. I feel I'm learning a lot from you every time I post a question. :)


Active member
I'm bored and I think I figured out a better way. Here's my attempt, formatted as a macro:

MACRO CountBits arg0
    ;arg0 = byte to count bits of (should be an address)
LDA arg0
STA temp
BEQ +                 ; already 0? we know 0 bits are set, so skip
LDX #$08
LDA #$00              ; init bit counter
    ASL temp          ; shift left to put bit 7 into carry (and 0 into bit 0)
    ADC #$00          ; add carry to counter (0 = not set, 1 = set)
    BNE -
    STA temp          ; store result in temp (optional)

This hinges on the fact that ADC #$00 adds the carry flag to A. The result is conveniently left in A once it finishes. X will be cleared to 0 if the value is > 0. This runs in constant time, by the way (ignoring the check for a 0 value at the start).
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Active member
Here is an alternate solution based on Brian Kernighan’s Algorithm:
MACRO CountBits arg0
    ;arg0 = byte to count bits of (should be an address)
LDA arg0
BEQ +                ; already 0? we know 0 bits are set, so skip
LDX #$00             ; otherwise init bit counter
    INX              ; increment bit counter
    STA temp
    DEC temp
    AND temp         ; A &= (A-1)
    BNE -            ; loop will terminate once A == 0
    TXA              ; copy result to A
STA temp             ; store result into temp (optional)
A contains the result when it finishes. X will be overwritten with the result if the value is > 0. The main difference is that the number of times the looped portion runs is exactly the number of bits set. Pretty neat, isn't it?
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Active member
Wow. That looks very neat. I guess the last one is also the most efficient one. :) Thank you!


Active member
Had the time to test out the code and it works perfectly. In case someone is interested how is this code going to be used here is one possible use case for it:



Active member
I have been informed today that there some better alternatives in this 6502 dot org thread: http://forum.6502.org/viewtopic.php?t=1206
The smallest of which looks like this, in subroutine form:

; Bit Counting Using Shifts
; The smallest method for count bits shifts the value
; left one bit at a time and counts each one bit that
; is shifted out.
; If we use ASL to perform the shift then the value
; will become zero after at most eight iterations. By
; looking for see when the value has reached zero we
; can stop iterating as soon as there are no bits left
; to shift out.
; Time: 18 to 76 cycles (depending on the value)
; Size: 10 bytes

        LDX #$FF                ; Set count to -1
.Incr:  INX                     ; Add one to count
.Loop:  ASL                     ; Shift by one bit
        BCS .Incr               ; Count one bits
        BNE .Loop               ; Repeat till zero
        TXA                     ; Move count to A
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