Is this Possible on NES Maker?


New member
I just got NES Maker a couple of days ago and I started doing the tutorials, its really a lot of fun but now i'm considering the vision I had for a game wont be possible here. I've wanted to make a game all my life and now I have a chance to, this game is a mega man clone where you fight robots of classical composers rather than regular boss robots. I've heard of things from limitations with music(which is a core part here) to going to have to dig deep into the program to change the code so that some functions like dual scrolling can operate properly. I'm not much of a tech guy so I don't know really much on programming and such.
Id just like some straight answers here, is this gonna be possible?


Active member
There's a discrepancy between whether something is "possible" or "viable" with NESmaker.

At its core, the NESmaker tool is an assembly code organizer for manipulating a bundled-in ASM codebase. You can directly change the underlying codebase however you wish, or replace it completely with your own codebase, though with the latter option you'll lose most of the functionality of the tool's UI. NESmaker is also meant to work with UNROM 512 / Mapper#30 boards, which is possible to change with some assembly knowledge, but you'll again lose most of the tool's conveniences.

So technically anything that the NES can do, NESmaker can do. The limiting factor here is your knowledge and understanding of how the NES works and how 6502 assembly language works. In that sense, anything on the NES is "possible" with NESmaker, but most of it is not "viable" in the sense that it defeats the purpose of using the tool, or is beyond your understanding of the NES and 6502 assembly language. Some users have made some incredible stuff with NESmaker already, but those users have also learned more advanced concepts that a beginner may not understand at first.

I know that's a real roundabout answer, but its the reality of using a tool like NESmaker. If you want to do something with your game that isn't part of the official tutorials, you'll likely have to do some altering of the underlying codebase. Luckily that's what the community is for, there's a lot of people here to help out with this kind of stuff :)
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