Item management


Well-known member
One thing I haven't figured out in NESmaker is the item management. I watch Joe's tutorials over and over, but I can't find any explanation on exactly how the item management works. There is a list of game items in Project Settings (under Project Labels):


and there is a list of items that the NPC can give the player in the text settings:


but I can't figure out exactly where I make/change these items. Does anyone know where I can find the game items?


Staff member
In the current modules, those items do (almost) nothing.
You could write scripts to them, if you want... like everything in NESmaker, it's items/flags/properties... you can use for your scripts. Some of them are already used in some scripts ("weapon 1" sword unlocked... also "weapon 2" projectile unlocked on some scripts on the forum.


Staff member
Yeah, a lot of things in tne NESmaker tool do nothing in the game engine. But it's so usefull for coders that want to add new features, we can use them.


Well-known member
This may be a stupid question :oops: , but I'll ask anyway :lol: How can I access these items? I mean are they some sort of variables?


Staff member
For those items, I think sadly, in this version, I thnink the data are not exported to the game engine. So... we can't really do anything with them.
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