Newbie requests some help

I'm new to this software and coding in general and would appreciate any and all help, right now I'm using the platforming base and Im wondering if its possible for me to have multiple player sprite sheets, the powerups of this game change the appearance of the player model kind of like in mario bros 3 and though I tried to fit in all in the GameObjectTiles file I couldnt


Well-known member
This is possible for sure. It sounds like you need to be using different objects. i.e destroying the player object and reincarnating as a new one with different abilities. You either need James tutorials to load new CHR or have everything you need already in your monster sprite sheet (which obviously isn't ideal for graphics space). If your animations take up a lot of tiles and the game is scrolling you might have to get clever about when certain CHR are loaded. Just keep playing around with stuff and you'll end up realising what is the best way for your game. There's different ways to go about it.


Staff member
First, I would suggest to optimize your gameobject tileset... remove all the duplicate 8x8 tiles.
It's enough for first projects (as you're a new in NESmaker). When you will have more experience, you would be able to modify the code to load a different tileset if needed (for advanced users).
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