Newbie right here


New member
I'm Chaotix and I'm new to NESmaker i just got it to hopefully make some cool games as seeing stuff this community already makes I have some high hopes. Anyway, some stuff about me is I'm from Canada and love Nintendo games as I grew up playing them I have some Python coding experience (idk how useful it will be) and love Mario and Mega Man. I hope to make something great with NESmaker as see the great ideas and games already here.


Staff member
Welcome @Chaotix_0

Glad to have you here with us.
NESmaker is a great tool to start making NES games.
Before you start, I'd strongly suggest to follow all the tutorial videos from the official page:
- the 12 days of NESmas series
- the module specific tutorial videos (you can skip all the "beginner" videos, you won't learn anything useful from them).
Would be fun to see the stream of yourself progressing in your project.

My advice is to not start your big project right now... start small. Make smaller projects first, projects you can improve progressively. And one day you will be able to work on your magnum opus.

If you have any issue or questions, browse the help, scripts, community tutorial sections or use the search fonctions.
We also have a discord server

have fun!
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