NPC Text Box Not Working


Staff member
In order to talk, when your player collides a NP, you need to have assigned a text action to the "B" button.
For example, you can use the "b_activate_text_box.asm" script, you will find it in the "Basic_NoScroll\ModuleScripts\InputScripts\" folder...

(I suggest to copy & paste it in your input script folder)


New member
dale_coop said:
In order to talk, when your player collides a NP, you need to have assigned a text action to the "B" button.
For example, you can use the "b_activate_text_box.asm" script, you will find it in the "Basic_NoScroll\ModuleScripts\InputScripts\" folder...

(I suggest to copy & paste it in your input script folder)
Thank you, this worked
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