
I am going to try it again, the more I do, the better it gets. It is going to be an adventure game in Nesmaker 4.5.9. The place going to be like StoneAge, Tribal, and Aztec with hidden dangers and traps.

The finished list.
Title Screen
Main Character moves up down, left, right, and attacks.

Progress list.
World Map
Dungeon Maps

Not started.
Sound Effects

Need Help
Music. (I can't write music because I am a hearing impairment.) I am looking for one song for the title screen.

Working on three different height character sprites. One is 12X16 pixels, the second is 14X24 and the third is 16x32 pixels like I started at first. I like 16x32 the best but it takes a lot of room in GameObjectTiles. I drew the other two smaller sprites to see how much more room to add more equipment and items or use 16x32 with fewer equipment and items.
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