player2_object warp [4.5.9, Modified Brawler Mod]


Active member
I'm still working on getting my 2-player mode operational in my brawler. I've uncommented out the bit of code in the Initialization script, so that if I start the game on a Main Game screen, my player2_object appears.

However, if I come from a Title Screen or Special Screen, the player2_object doesn't appear once we get to the Main Game screen.

My first question is where do I even begin here?

I think I have to modify my Start Game script, but I'm not sure what will work. I'm pasting my start game script below, which is what I use to transition between title/special screens and my playable Main Game screens. Thanks in advance.

LDA screenUpdateByte
ORA #%00000100
STA screenUpdateByte

    LDA warpToMap
    STA warpMap
    LDA warpToScreen
    STA currentNametable
    LDX player1_object
    STA Object_screen,x
    LDX player2_object
    STA Object_screen,x ;; how to fix this? what do I actually need here?
    LDA #$01
    STA screenTransitionType ;; is of warp type

    LDA gameHandler
    ORA #%10000000
    STA gameHandler ;; this will set the next game loop to update the screen.
    StopMoving player1_object, #$FF, #$00
    ChangeFacingDirection player1_object, #FACE_RIGHT   
Hi Vanderblade,

it's good to hear that your at a stage where you editing code in the scripts. But the problem with doing that is you may be deleting things you may actually need though. My suggestion would be is to go back to basics and try to impelment this 2 player object mode. From a brand new project file with all the scripts intact and unedited. Without editing any of the scripts if you can? When you try to remake your game, of course if you have to change some code because somebody has told you. This is the only way to make a 2 player object by changing this script. Then of course you will have to do that again. But I am not sure why you are using warps in the script? Because you can do that in the Screen Info window. By doing this you may find that this 2 player mode may work better? By programming it the old fashion way (Without Code) as much of the game as you can. It is also a good idea to read the scripts that you what to change first. In order to find out why they work the way they do in the first place. So you will need to learn Nes assembler programming language to do that. There is a tutorial on this forum called Learning Assember For Nesmaker that may help?
And you will just have to keep on watching the tutorials again and experiment. Find out what works and what doesn't and keep on asking questions on this forum. But try to break your game down and ask more direct questions. About the problems you are facing with as much info as you can give. In order for other people to try to help you.
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