Skip Cutscenes 4.5.9


Well-known member
If you have cutscenes in your game with a lot of text, then it's a good idea to allow the player skip straight to the game if he has seen the cutscene a few times already. The problem with the default NESmaker setup is that if you just use a normal warp there's a big chance the text will continue to be written to the screen once you warp past the cutscene. Here's an input script that will let the player skip the cutscene (even in the middle of writing text to the screen) and start the level as normal.

;;; Skip Cutscene

;;; Clear text queue
LDA #%00000000
STA textQueued
STA textHandler
STA gameStatusByte
STA updateScreenData
STA scrollOffsetCounter

JSR doWaitFrame

LDA gameStatusByte
AND #%11111110 ;;; Make sure object handling is enabled.
STA gameStatusByte

WarpToScreen warpToMap, warpToScreen, #$01

Just save this file as skipCutscene.asm and include it in Input Scripts. Then assign it to the start button or whatever.


Well-known member
One thing to add. I found if I was using a autotext tile then the player coulactually hit the start button at the same time as the text was queing and give me the warp glitch. I solved this by adding:

STA queueFlags

to the string of things to store.


Well-known member
One thing to add. I found if I was using a autotext tile then the player coulactually hit the start button at the same time as the text was queing and give me the warp glitch. I solved this by adding:

STA queueFlags

to the string of things to store.
Interesting. I noticed in my Byte Off game that I had to add a skip-timer at the very beginning of the screen load to avoid this. I'll try your method. Thanks.
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