4.5.9 BugFix: player keeps moving when releasing left or right.


Well-known member
Ever notice the player sliding after you release the left or right direction in your game? Sometimes this is caused by your action steps not being set up properly, But I've noticed it can be caused caused by holding up or down when releasing the left or right buttons.

I see this issue in a lot of platform games, it also can domino into a problem with scrolling, so this is a fix worth doing:


go to your input scripts and find changeActionToStop_unlessJumping.asm

look for this part:

        LDA gamepad
        AND #%11110000
        BEQ changeToStop_NoDpadPressed

change it to this:
        LDA gamepad
        AND #%11000000
        BEQ changeToStop_NoDpadPressed

and save. now the script will change you to standing even if you are pressing up or down.
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