4.5.9 L2R Giving Monsters Super Mario-ish health system. BIG to small by creating new monster.

Hi, giving back to the community.
This is simple stuff for the moast of you. But it took a while for me to figure this out. So im posting this for other beginners.

I wanted some of my larger monsters to shrink to a smaller monster when beeing hit.
Kind of how Super Mario gets small when he gets hurt. But for the monsters.

Step 1:
I changed my hurtMonster_PlatformBase.asm using the thread: https://www.nesmakers.com/index.php?threads/monster-death-animation.7614/
so that the monster doesen't get destroyed and moves to it´s actionstep7 instead.
STA temp
GetActionStep temp
CMP #$07 ;; we will use action step 7 for hurt.
BEQ +doSkipHurtingThisObject ;; if he is hurt, he can't be hurt again.
ChangeActionStep temp, #$07
LDA #$80
STA Object_action_timer,x
DEC Object_health,x
LDA Object_health,x
BNE +doSkipHurtingThisObject
; DestroyObject ;;Dont want the object to be destroyd any more, only moved to actionstep 7
;;thats where we set up the destroyMe or spawn small monster.

CountObjects #%00001000
BNE +notZeroCount
LDA scrollByte
ORA #%00000010
STA scrollByte
;;; if there are no more monsters left, we want to disable
;;; the edge check for scrolling.
LDA ScreenFlags00
AND #%11101111
STA ScreenFlags00

Also needed to edit hurtPlayer_Platformbase.asm
Look for this piece of code
LDX otherObject
(around row 26?, my script has been alterd before)
LDX otherObject
;; Destroy Object ;;dont want to do that any more
ChangeActionStep otherObject, #$07 ;;when hurt monster goes to actionstep7 instead

Step2: Setting up monsters actionstep7
Add a DestroyMe script to a unused AI_Behavior in your ProjectSettings / Script settings (i used nr 6)
only code needed in the .asm file is:

Add the SpawnMonster script to another AI_Behavior that is unused. (i used nr 5)
LDA #$10 ;<---How long to stay invinciable, change the number as you see fit
STA invincibilityTimer
;;Used so monster does not spawn at player and hurt him

LDA Object_x_hi,x
STA temp1

LDA Object_y_hi,x
STA temp2

LDA Object_screen,x ;; the current screen
STA temp3

CreateObjectOnScreen temp1, temp2, #16, #$00, temp3 ;;;<-- #16 the 16th gameobject, or first monsterobject, my small Monster
;; arg0 = x
;; arg1 = y
;; arg2 = object
;; arg3 = beginning state
;; arg4 = what screen do youw ant to create this object on?

CountObjects #%00001000
BNE +notZeroCount
LDA scrollByte
ORA #%00000010
STA scrollByte
;;;if there are no more monster left, we want to disable
;;; the edge check for scrolling
;LDA screenflag00
AND #%11101111
;STA screenflag00


I´m using Yans invincibility timer from this thread https://www.nesmakers.com/index.php...layer-to-move-during-hurt-invincibility.6522/
Otherwise i am taking a hit everytime the monster spawns. You can probably solve this in other ways, but this works fine for me.
(it´s the top 4 rows of code if you want to remove it.)

Go to your ProjectSettings, Labels, click on actiontypes and rename your AI_behaviors to spawnMonster (i used nr5) and DestroyMe (i used nr6) to keep things organized)

- Monsters that should get destroyed as usual: set their actionstep 7´s action to DestroyMe

-Monsters that should spawn a smaller or another monster when dying set their actionstep7´s action to spawnMonster

You will need to have both of the monsters loaded in the screens selected monstergroup to be able to use them on your level in the game.

Works for me.

This is the first tutorial i´v shared, so i hope i haven't done anyting stupid :)
And there is probably a simpler way of doing this...
Always keep a safety copy of your files before you edit or replace any of your scripts.
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