[4.5.9]Load default health on respawn (Metroid Vania)


I couldn't find past information on this, so I thought I'd share my code with future newbies like me.
-As always if you can improve on this, PLEASE post and I'll update.

Problem: Increasing Health, then hitting a Death Spike/etc would result in a Player respawn with -1 life, and the same increase in health.
Solution: Update to playerHurt_platform.asm to include reloading the health and setting it in this case to 3. (Me default). I feel like there is a better way to do this, since I'm checking the Player Object twice. I kept getting out of range error without the first two lines I added.

;; Simple Reset
;; check to see if object colliding is a player.
;; if not, do not reset.
CPX player1_object
BNE dontDoTileReset
LDA Object_direction,x
AND #%00001111
STA Object_direction,x

Dec myLives
LDA myLives
BNE +myLivesNotZero
JMP RESET ;; game over.
;;;; also could warp to game over screen here instead.

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; DocNes - Added to reset health on respawn
CPX player1_object
BNE dontDoTileReset

LDA myHealth
LDA #$03 ; Ammount to reset myHealth
STA myHealth

LDA continueMap
STA warpMap

LDA continueX
STA newX
LDA continueY
STA newY

LDA continueScreen
STA warpToScreen
STA camScreen

WarpToScreen warpToMap, warpToScreen, #$02


Staff member
The MetroidVania module has a "myMaxHealth" variable you could use:
  LDA myMaxHealth  ;; Ammount to reset myHealth
  STA myHealth


Thank you dale!
I forgot to state above I have a larger Max Health of 5, than the My Health at 3.

Current code works, but I feel it could be optimized better still. Since calling for a CPX player1_object twice seems silly to me.
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