[4.5.9 Shooter Module] What causes a background palette update?


Active member
I'm trying to figure out how the game knows to switch background palettes when warping to a new screen that has a different palette from the old screen.
The following code for a warp tile causes the proper background palette to be loaded, despite never jumping to a subroutine or using the update background palettes macro:

	CPX player1_object
	BNE notPlayerForWarpTile
	LDA warpToScreen
	STA continueScreen
	WarpToScreen warpToMap, warpToScreen, #$01
		;; arg0 = warp to map.  0= map1.  1= map2.
		;; arg1 = screen to warp to.
		;; arg2 = screen transition type - most likely use 1 here.
			;; 1 = warp, where it observes the warp in position for the player.
	INC bossHealthPointer
	LDY bossHealthPointer
	LDA BossHealthTable,y
	STA bossHealth ;; resets boss health for the new level.


This code works properly. However, this code which I wrote does not. It loads the correct background tiles but the old palette is retained from the previous screen. As far as I can tell this code does all the same things the warp tile code does.


LDA screenUpdateByte
ORA #%00000100
STA screenUpdateByte
    LDA warpToMap

    STA warpMap
    LDA warpToScreen
    STA currentNametable
    LDX player1_object
    STA Object_screen,x
    LDA #$01
    STA screenTransitionType ;; is of warp type
	LDA #$00
	STA isTwoPlayerGame
	LDA Code1Verified
	CMP #$01
	BEQ +ExtraLives
		LDA #$03
		STA myLives
		JMP +SkipCheats
	LDA #$06
	STA myLives
	LDA #$00
	STA CheatCode1CorrectCount ;resets the code input counters and code usage. Otherwise the memory of an unfinished cheat code would be "stored" for next time the game is continued from the title screen.
	STA CheatCode2CorrectCount
	WarpToScreen warpToMap, warpToScreen, #$01

LDA screenUpdateByte
ORA #%00000100
STA screenUpdateByte

    LDA warpToMap

    STA warpMap
    LDA warpToScreen
    STA currentNametable
    LDX player1_object
    STA Object_screen,x
	LDX player2_object
	STA Object_screen,x
	LDA #$01
	STA isTwoPlayerGame
    LDA #$01
    STA screenTransitionType ;; is of warp type

    LDA Code1Verified
	CMP #$01
	BEQ +ExtraLives
		LDA #$03
		STA myLives
		STA player2Lives
		JMP +SkipCheats
	LDA #$06
	STA myLives
	STA player2Lives
	WarpToScreen warpToMap, warpToScreen, #$01

The code that seems to update background palettes is never used in either script listed above. Yet the first one somehow updates the palettes correctly. Why?

0C5AE                           doLoadBackgroundPalettes:
0C5AE                           	;; This is tied to the macro LoadBackgroundPalettes.
0C5AE                           	;; It uses bank and 16 bit label.
0C5AE 8A                        	TXA
0C5AF 48                        	PHA
0C5B0 98                        	TYA
0C5B1 48                        	PHA
0C5B2                           	;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
0C5B2                           	;Get Palette Label based on INDEX
0C5B2 98 48 AD 20 06 8D 21 06.. 	SwitchBank #$16
0C5C1 A4 0C                     		LDY arg0_hold
0C5C3 B9 00 84                  		LDA GameBckPalLo,y
0C5C6 85 14                     		STA temp16
0C5C8 B9 40 84                  		LDA GameBckPalHi,y
0C5CB 85 15                     		STA temp16+1
0C5CD A0 00                     		LDY #$00
0C5CF                           		loop_LoadBackgroundPalette: 
0C5CF B1 14                     			LDA (temp16),y
0C5D1 99 25 06                  			STA bckPal,y
0C5D4 C8                        			INY
0C5D5 C0 10                     			CPY #$10
0C5D7 D0 F6                     			BNE loop_LoadBackgroundPalette
0C5D9                           		;;;; end of loop.
0C5D9 AD 24 06                  		LDA updateScreenData
0C5DC 09 01                     		ORA #%00000001 ;; palette
0C5DE 8D 24 06                  		STA updateScreenData
0C5E1 98 48 AC 21 06 20 9F C5.. 	ReturnBank
0C5EB                           	;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
0C5EB 68                        	PLA
0C5EC A8                        	TAY
0C5ED 68                        	PLA
0C5EE AA                        	TAX
0C5EF 60                        	RTS0C5F0

From what I can tell, neither the above subroutine (nor its parent macro) are used whatsoever in the warp tile script or my modified game start script.
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