Animate sprite weapons or add delay


My Drawsprite code has gotten pretty unruly, but I'm having a difficult time either animating my sprite weapons or at least delaying them in time with characters swing animation...

Anyone know how I can do this ?

This is what I'm working with...
drawWeapon04: ;;chainsaw
LDA #$07
STA attack
DrawSprite temp, temp1, #$59, temp2, spriteOffset ; this is the first part of the weapon sprite UpdateSpritePointer
LDA temp2
DEC temp
DEC temp
DEC temp
DEC temp
DEC temp
DEC temp
DEC temp
DEC temp
JMP drawSecondsprite03 +
LDA temp
ADC #$08
STA temp
DrawSprite temp, temp1, #$5A, temp2, spriteOffset ; this is the second part of the weapon sprite
JMP doneDrawingWeaponSprite
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