

New member
I don't know why, but I just find it nice that lots of people's profile pics are their characters in the games they're making (I do that too). It just really shows the passion someone has for a project. :)


New member
It is pretty cool!
I hope to eventually get there -- but for now mine is just the protagonist from Crystalis. :)


chronosv2 said:
It is pretty cool!
I hope to eventually get there -- but for now mine is just the protagonist from Crystalis. :)
I am playing Crystalis at the moment. Since starting to make graphics in NESmaker I have started to look at other games in a new way.


Gazimaluke said:
Since starting to make graphics in NESmaker I have started to look at other games in a new way.

I've always appreciated how artists manage to convey (e)motions or present objects using only few pixels, but since I've started trying it myself that admiration multiplied.

I've even noticed that I sometimes look at buildings, walls and so on in RL and think 'That would make a nice background. Could I draw that as a NES graphic and how?'
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