Byte-Off III Early Submissions


Well-known member
Zombiehunter Bob isn't too worried about the story, so he let's you skip the cutscene by pressing START or advance the cutscene by pressing A lol.


New member

Posting here a teaser image from my upcoming ByteOff III submission, Mauri Mursu's Hangover.
This image is from the arctic.

The game is about to be done, it can be played from start to finish, still ironing out the last bugs and making improvements.

Good luck to everyone! Very good games in this thread :)


Well-known member
Thank you very much! I'm trying to figure out how to make text boxes start automatically when the cutscene starts. If anyone can point me to a tutorial, I'd appreciate it!


Well-known member
Here's a few teaser's for my contribution to this year's Byte Off! Introducing, "AngstMan"!
really like the design here. reminded me of this Scott Kurtz comic:



New member
I'm ready to show my submission for the Byte-Off III - Let me introduce you to:

Mauri Mursu's Hangover!​

"Help Mauri Mursu on his adventure
on the Walrus Islands
and cure his hangover!"

The game gets its inspiration from adventure game classics, such as StarTropics and Zelda, and mixes in a lot of quirky off-beat humor and quests. If you are a fan of those games, you will love this one!

So, what are you still waiting for?
The BIGGEST Walrus Adventure on the NES awaits!

For more information and .nes rom download at:


All righty, here it is! My entry for this year's competition!
"AngstMan Rebooted"
It's clearly unfinished, but I wanted to share what I completed before the deadline.
I can't wait to play everyone's games!
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