Double Jump in Platform Games 4.5.9


Well-known member
This tutorial will add the ability to double jump in the platform modules (Arcade Platformer, MetroVania and LR Platformer).

1. Add a new User Variable:


2. In your jump_throughPlat.asm file add this at the top of the file under SwitchBank #$1C :

;;; Double jump check
LDA jumpCounter
CMP #1
BEQ +doubleJump
JMP +normalJump
JMP +doJump

Towards the bottom of the file below +doJump: add this:

INC jumpCounter

3. In the physics script (doHandlePhysics_PlatformBase.asm) add this below isSolidSoLand:

;;; Only reset jump counter if the player lands (not other objects)
CPX player1_object
LDA #0
STA jumpCounter

That's it.


This tutorial will add the ability to double jump in the platform modules (Arcade Platformer, MetroVania and LR Platformer).

1. Add a new User Variable:


2. In your jump_throughPlat.asm file add this at the top of the file under SwitchBank #$1C :

Towards the bottom of the file below +doJump: add this:

3. In the physics script (doHandlePhysics_PlatformBase.asm) add this below isSolidSoLand:

That's it.
Thank you BaardBi!
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