

New member
I’m Tim from St. Louis, MO U.S. I’ve been into NES since I got my first back in 1988. I come from a family of spectacular artists and I do alright. I decided to go into digital animation after high school. I did decent up until the coding classes. I did great with Adobe Fireworks, but when it came to the more advanced stuff I just couldn’t keep up. My dream was over; my parents said switch majors or we stop payment. If NESmaker does what I think I’ve gathered it does at this point I’ll be able to fulfill a 30 year dream of making my own video game. The NES being my first home console to call my own I have an affinity for it. Well, I look forward to reading through the archives, engaging in conversations with everyone and learning the ropes.


Well-known member
Welcome, you're gonna love it. I'm also a huge NES fan from way back, and learning to code for it has made playing the games even more fun, seeing the crazy stuff the old guys did back then. Everyone here is really nice too


Staff member
Welcome @SteelheadTrout
Glad to have you here with us.

NESmaker is a great tool to start making NES games. Great for all the artists who want to express themself on that platform.
Follow the tutorial videos on the official website, it's import (but you can just skip all the "beginner" videos, you won't learn anything from them) then you're ready to work !
Can't wait to see what you will create with NM

Have fun!
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