Into the Abyss


New member
Hello, I’ve started my platformer, Body Mission (character sprite is my picture). I’ve come back to NESMaker several times but this time I feel like I’m picking up the overall concepts the best and I’m not stuck with no way to advance.

The basic story is the “bad guy” injects nanobots and viruses and then shrinks himself to go in and do more damage. The “good guy” loves this person very much (probably his girlfriend or wife) so the good guy shrinks himself down and enters a human body to stop the bad guy and save her life.

So far I’ve done the following:
-Converted a commercial-use sprite I found online to the NES using the pixel editor and added 2 sprites for a Sprite HUD (empty and full health containers) as well as a projectile.
-Added inputs to move right/left, variable jump with A, shoot with B
-Added 2 nanobot “monsters” and 1 virus “monster” that my kids drew for the game.
-Gave all 3 monsters basic AI (move left until you hit something and go back right and move left then right on a timer)
-Used the tutorial tiles but with a different palette so I could test above, the palette I plan on using but I will be changing the tiles (it’s inside a human body so boxes and things don’t make sense)
-My character is 3x4 (24x32) sprites and so my character was shooting from behind his shoulder and board-b on YouTube was able to point me to the Input Script numbers to change to fix this, I did that but I can’t get the assembler to recognize which way my character is facing and so shooting to the right is good but to the left shoots from the top right sprite (in the correct direction though to the left). ***Any help on this would be great***
-Made a Letters/Numbers Tile and created a win screen (changed bank 0 to detailed screens) that you warp to from your last screen of the level that literally just says you win. I surrounded the player with solid collision tiles and hid the sprites so he wouldn’t fall of the screen and go to another screen.

-Fix shooting problem above
-Add a Sprite Hub to show Health
-Create Background Tiles for levels
-Create Title Screen with inputs
-Figure out how to either go through the bottom of the screen and it go to the screen below or have it kill the player
-Figure out why my single frame jump animation doesn’t work (currently just runs in the air or if I jump straight up it just uses my idle state single frame animation)
-Overall polish the game more
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