Morbidly Obese Alligator at the Staten Island Olympics (Revisited Game)


I teased this during the Byte off 2020...2 years later I'm revisiting it. I still have a LOT of work to do.

Its an auto scrolling game where you control a morbidly obese alligator rolling down a track. You press A to jump over the hurdles and collect money. There are 4 athletes on the track as well. Sprinty, Joggy, Runny and Roidy. Crush them all into a bloody pulp and win the gold!

Things I need to do:

Get the end screen system working. at the end of every level there is a stat screen that you warp to depending on how many athletes you crushed. I got that much working. Now I need it to award the correct number of bonus points per screen and award the player a 1up for completing a level. Then it must warp you to the next level and so on. If anyone has an inkling of how to do that please let me know!

a Level counter. There will be 10 levels and in the top right corner under the lives will be a counter that reads "L: 00/10" and it displays the correct level you are on. Not quite sure how to do that either.

I also have a weird glitching on the left most collumn of the title screen.

But yeah this game may be utterly ridiculous but give it this: Greatest Title for a Video game least in the top 10.



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