SFX are screwing with the music. (4.1.5)


Active member
When I Pick up a key while testing my game, it makes a low pitched pulse sound. All there is of the music is the triangle and noise after this. can anyone help?


Active member
Are you using your own custom music and SFX or the default ones that are bundled with the software? We're going to need a few more details.

mouse spirit

Well-known member
Understood. Even though cutter is already here, i suggest this topic. It needs to be read before using famitracker and nesmaker.

mouse spirit

Well-known member
Are your keys triggering screentypes? Are all screentypes the same? Because then it would do that. Probly make sure to either put a key on a screen, or a lock. Not both if you are ever coming back to that screen because then yes, if you are triggering screentypes because you dont want to coleect the same key a billion times, then that screen if triggered for any item that functions based on screentype teiggered /not triggered. Lastly make sure that if you collect a key in screenA, make sure screenB that has the expected lock to unlock, make sure each is on screens with different screentypes.


Active member
Got it. None of them are triggered and no they aren't triggering screentypes (as far as I know of.) every key is in a different location (e.g. one screen has one key, a completely different one also has a key.) while all the locked doors are on one screen. (only 4 of them).
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