Working Title: Duncan (W.I.P)


This one is also a small game, but is a homage to the forgotten PC game of the 90s "Gensei Kaishingeki" and the bootleg arcade game called "Shocking".
In this game, you play as a anthropomorphic dog named Duncan in exploring the caves and forests in search of treasure, but also on quest for the world peace.

It is unknown when will it be released, because I do need to work on Cat Hero (I planned to release Cat Hero before my birthday of course, but plans may be different), but I'm hoping for it to be released some years later. I don't want to announce the date of release just yet, because I do need to work on polishing my previous game project. However, I can allow myself to do another one in the meantime.

So anyways, the screenshot attached to the post presents the prototype of how gameplay could possibly look like. Of course, the final version, sprites and looks may be different in the potential future.


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