[Byte-Off 2020] Spirit Impel


Active member
I've been struggling with finding the will to complete this game. It's more or less because some of the most basic features I'd like to add like Pasue and Power-ups are giving me flack. I just need to sit down and go for it.


Well-known member
id be willing to test out some levels if you have done any :3 and yeah power ups and pause would be really hard to add


Active member
Levels are honestly the easiest to complete. Only have theee to go and make the end credits. I could bang out a level tuesday so at the very least I made some progress.. i wonder how i need to go about credits...


Well-known member
I sorta have an idea for credits, although it would have to take up a tile set, basically just make a level using the 8by 8 tile screens that basically say this by person and so on, make sure there are a few extra lives in it so if they die it’s all good, that sorta what I had in mind, just make sure it’s not to hard because they just beat the game, more of just one last little fun thing for the player to do in the credits, like in undertale and then at the end it plays the final cutscene maybe with some animation with the room you have left in the monster tiles, I can help with that if you want, anyway if you end up using this idea just make sure at the end of the credits it says “and you too”


Active member
What's that? For Spirit Impel? There is the ByteOff download. I haven't released a rom since. I figured I may as well as finish it first.

mouse spirit

Well-known member
Is there a download? or are you keeping this under wraps?
What's that? For Spirit Impel? There is the ByteOff download. I haven't released a rom since. I figured I may as well as finish it first.
Gotchya. Yeah for Spirit Impel. If you decide to or want some play testing thats not you, i'm down for sure.
Truly i'm interested in it in general.


Active member
Aww, good find. I actually tried that at one point and couldn't figure it out. That's awesome someone managed it! and it being something so simple as being in a specific order.


Active member
You know, I have to say that now after having developed my own game from scratch (well, developing I guess is a better word), I've come to appreciate the hard work that goes into making a video game. Even a bad one for that matter, as I know just how mind numbing game development can be. I am proud of everyone who submitted to ByteOff 2020. Regardless of their skill level, it shows they put their heart into their project. I think that's what counts. We can't all be AAA game developers but if we manage to make just a few people happy with our game, that's a success.


Well-known member
You know, I have to say that now after having developed my own game from scratch (well, developing I guess is a better word), I've come to appreciate the hard work that goes into making a video game. Even a bad one for that matter, as I know just how mind numbing game development can be. I am proud of everyone who submitted to ByteOff 2020. Regardless of their skill level, it shows they put their heart into their project. I think that's what counts. We can't all be AAA game developers but if we manage to make just a few people happy with our game, that's a success.
This is the main reason I started game development or even started thinking about it, just to make an experience people can enjoy even if it’s not popular or if it even flunks aslong as just a few people have a good time playing it that’s all I need or even want


Active member
This is the main reason I started game development or even started thinking about it, just to make an experience people can enjoy even if it’s not popular or if it even flunks aslong as just a few people have a good time playing it that’s all I need or even want
Well said buddy, I think it's important everyone remembers that. It's easy to rip into someone else's work without knowing what actually goes into it or the toolset for that matter. I am guilty of such things in the past. Not anymore. In the end all that matters is that you created something.


Active member
So, I've begun work on Spirit Impel after a couple months break as I was completely burned out after ByteOff. I have made some decent forward progress and I've come to realize that I definitely bit off more then I could chew with this Shmup. The shooter module is clearly for more experienced hands then my own. Probably should have gone with a maze game for something a little more simple as my first game, instead of diving head first into a empty pool. Anyhow, too late to turn back now, I am determined to see this through. I'll provide weekly updates if I can, for those few that are still following along. Anyhow, thank you everyone who has had my back with this, you know who you are!


Active member
I've got pause working and I finished both the 4th stages tileset and monsters. Looks real good. However now I am having issues with the player hurt with lives script. For whatever reason it occasionally takes 2 lives or just jumps you straight to the game over screen (by the way I added a cool animation to the game over screen). Trying to get that straightened out before the final push to finish the game. It's really the last hurdle to jump through.


Well-known member
Tbh I haven't looked into player hurt yet. The first thing I'll be doing I'd removing the recoil in the physics. That's probably different in shooter module as standard.

Anyways, if all else fails maybe there could be some way to add a short timer between the hurt or implement invincibility somehow preventing two lives being taken.

It would be nice to see some screenshots but as it's for a friend you'll probably want to keep it under wraps.
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