The Adventures of Panzer 3 - Development Thread


Well-known member
You're inspiring me to diversify on my own levels. Is that paralax scrolling or CHR switching?


Well-known member
You're inspiring me to diversify on my own levels. Is that paralax scrolling or CHR switching?
No Paralax scrolling at all. I used a series of tricks to give the illusion of scrolling without using multiple screens. The idea here is to save space in the build to allow for more scrolling levels.
  • Postdraw code does the lines in the street and bushes in the foreground.
  • Moon in the background moves by using the drawsprite macro with a timer (not using an object to save cycles)
  • Pallet Swapping handles the bridge.
  • CHR tile animation handles the background tree lines


Well-known member
Just Minor update today - this is just a visual one. The player now has a visual animation that happens when they swap characters and a timer that is setup to keep the players from spamming character swaps.



Well-known member
Working on more boss encounters. I wanted to try to make some unique mechanics that wasn't just the boss waking back and forth. This boss will be named "Maximuz" the Floorior!


Well-known member
Updates to Maximuz, cleaned up the animations, and added spikes that fall from the ceiling. I also added his death animation in



Well-known member
Third boss encounter is all roughed out - Meet "Mdawg"! What made this boss interesting from a coding perspective was making him turn and shoot or throw at the player. The trigger for the jump is two tiles that when they are hit randomly generate a number that tells him to jump or not. The combination creates a nice little randomization for the fight.
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