The Excitables (WIP)


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Absolutely. That’s the way the artist made the pixels, but it’s a cheesy game so I don’t really mind. I’m not making Zelda or anything epic. I mean my Carpet Shark games perspective is a little off looking too. NES games are meant to be imperfect, you know?

I thought about maybe adding sky at the top to balance between the two perspectives. Might try it, might not. Doesn’t really bother me either way.


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Logana said he's gonna work on the tiles to fix the perspective, but i'm honestly fine with it either way. So we'll see how it looks then.


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OMG I thought I was going to have a mental breakdown with all of the glitches I was having yesterday. Somehow after messing with the code it all corrected itself. Phew. Anywho.. I got super stuck on my 3rd level so I started jumping around each level making small victories. When I hit a wall like that it's better to move on to other stuff I can do instead of beating myself up about it.. Here's some updates for the other stages.. Not in a finished state.. Just what they are right now:

Level 3 - Widdler

Level 4 - Rookie

Level 5 - Mitch

Boss Level - The entire team vs a helicopter


Well-known member
Thanks @Logana. It’s been a bumpy journey so far. Just as long as I successfully do something every day, it’ll get there! Thanks for your help on everything. I’m slowly integrating what you made with what Lilith made. Coming together nicely! 🙌🏻


Well-known member
Also! Logan updated the driving tiles. Do you like this or the original way better? Looks pretty nice! Sides no longer scroll but that's ok since the middle lines do. The only problems I see are 1. Not enough space for the player to move since the road is smaller.. for that i'll just move the player down more... 2. Bullets are straight up and down instead of diagonal like the road.. which really isn't a problem.. just a visual thing.

Here’s the original way for reference:
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Well-known member
Team vs helicopter looks comical with them all moving together. If its not supposed to be funny please ignore this comment.


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@TakuikaNinja Logan killed it fixing those tiles. I was fine either way but once he sent me the new tiles and I put them in the game, I really saw the difference. I stand corrected!

@Jonny Its supposed to be. I mean my characters name in the game is “Widdler Fuck”... the guy that drives the jeep is named “The Boof” which is lifted from the name of the girl in the 80s Teen Wolf movie. Nothing serious about this game whatsoever. A rip off of the Expendables.. and we’re not serious in the movies either. All tongue in cheek 🤣🙌🏻


Well-known member
Ooooo me likey the purple sky for Widdler's stage. Although all these smaller stages with one screen will have 3 phases each and I think I'll change the colors of the stage for each phase to mix it up a bit. The color helps the main character stand out a bit.

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